Conway's Game of Life demo annotated source
Back to indexMinimal Conway's Game of Life simulation
Bootstrap the required globals from Torus, since we're not bundling
4for (const exportedName in Torus) {
5 window[exportedName] = Torus[exportedName];
Constants to determine simulation scale and look
9const CELL_SIZE = 10;
10const CELL_RADIUS = 3;
encapsulates the full state of a Game of Life simulation
and implements all game logic. It forms the "model" layer of the app.
14class GameOfLife {
16 constructor() {
Determine how many cells we have in our window, given the cell
sizes and the window size. The + 2
makes sure the full canvas
is filled.
20 this.xCount = ~~(window.innerWidth / CELL_SIZE) + 2;
21 this.yCount = ~~(window.innerHeight / CELL_SIZE) + 2;
22 this.count = this.xCount * this.yCount;
We represent the game as a single array of 0's and 1's, scanning the grid row-by-row, left to right, from the top row to the bottom row. Cells all begin with the "dead" 0 state.
27 this.cells = Array.from({length: this.count});
is double-buffered, so that we don't have to keep creating
new cells arrays with each tick. This is the other "buffer" of the game state.
30 this._cells = Array.from({length: this.count});
31 this.clear();
32 }
Seed the entire game board randomly, without killing live cells.
35 seedRandomly() {
36 for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i ++) {
37 if (this.cells[i] === 0) {
38 this.cells[i] = Math.random() < .1 ? 1 : 0;
39 }
40 }
41 }
Clear the entire game board for a new game.
44 clear() {
45 this.cells.fill(0);
46 }
Utility function to get the index of a cell above the given one. -1 is used as a sentinel value for "no such cell".
50 north(i) {
51 const result = i - this.xCount;
52 return result < 0 ? -1 : result;
53 }
Like north()
, but for the cell below the given one.
56 south(i) {
57 const result = i + this.xCount;
58 return result >= this.count ? -1 : result;
59 }
Like north()
, but for the cell to the right of the given one.
62 east(i) {
We have to do this add-one, subtract-one trick here because remainders should start at 1 but indexes start at 0.
65 const remainder = (i + 1) % this.xCount;
66 if (remainder === 0) {
67 return -1;
68 } else {
69 return i + 1;
70 }
71 }
Like north()
, but for the cell to the left of the given one.
74 west(i) {
75 const remainder = (i + 1) % this.xCount;
76 if (remainder === 1) {
77 return -1;
78 } else {
79 return i - 1;
80 }
81 }
Given current game state and a cell index, compute the next state of the cell in the next tick/step. Each tick of the game computes this for each cell on the board.
85 cellNextState(i) {
86 const live = this.cells[i] === 1;
87 const cells = this.cells;
89 const west = this.west(i);
90 const east = this.east(i);
Compute live/dead state for each of the 8 neighboring cells.
93 let liveNeighbors = 0;
94 if (this.cells[this.north(i)] === 1) {
95 liveNeighbors ++;
96 }
97 if (this.cells[this.south(i)] === 1) {
98 liveNeighbors ++;
99 }
100 if (cells[east] === 1) {
101 liveNeighbors ++;
102 }
103 if (cells[west] === 1) {
104 liveNeighbors ++;
105 }
106 if (cells[this.north(west)] === 1) {
107 liveNeighbors ++;
108 }
109 if (cells[this.south(west)] === 1) {
110 liveNeighbors ++;
111 }
112 if (cells[this.north(east)] === 1) {
113 liveNeighbors ++;
114 }
115 if (cells[this.south(east)] === 1) {
116 liveNeighbors ++;
117 }
Literal implementation of Conway's Game of Life
120 if (live && liveNeighbors < 2) {
121 return 0;
122 } else if (live && (liveNeighbors === 2 || liveNeighbors === 3)) {
123 return 1;
124 } else if (live && liveNeighbors > 3) {
125 return 0;
126 } else if (!live && liveNeighbors === 3) {
127 return 1;
128 } else {
If no change, return the original state of the cell.
130 return this.cells[i]
131 }
132 }
Iterate the entire game board for one tick.
135 step() {
is double-buffered, so we modify the non-current
buffer of cells with new cell states and swap them out at the end.
138 for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i ++) {
139 this._cells[i] = this.cellNextState(i);
140 }
141 const tmpCells = this.cells;
142 this.cells = this._cells;
143 this._cells = tmpCells;
144 }
component represents the canvas on which the game unfolds.
It contains just the canvas, and no other UI element, but is controllable
via its API (methods).
151class GameCanvas extends Component {
153 init() {
154 this.width = window.innerWidth;
155 this.height = window.innerHeight;
Create a <canvas>
element for the game itself. We render this
programmatically, not through the compose()
method, so we can control
exactly how things are painted on the canvas's 2D context.
160 this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
161 this.canvas.width = this.width;
162 this.canvas.height = this.height;
163 this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
Since we only ever paint one thing -- the dots -- we set a single fill style here and never change it.
166 this.ctx.fillStyle = '#333';
New instance of the game state, seeded with a random state to begin
169 = new GameOfLife();
This stores the previous "snapshot" of the game state, for dragging / clicking to toggle cell states. We need to do this because when we drag, we should flip each cell state from a snapshot before we started dragging, not necessary the state immediately before the mouse cursor reaches the cell.
174 this._prevGameCells =;
Local state that represents whether a mouse or touch pointer is being dragged, for adding points to the game.
178 this._down = false;
Bind UI event listener methods
181 this.handleStart = this.handleStart.bind(this);
182 this.handleMove = this.handleMove.bind(this);
183 this.handleEnd = this.handleEnd.bind(this);
185 this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleStart);
186 this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMove);
187 this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleEnd);
188 this.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleStart);
189 this.canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMove);
190 this.canvas.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleEnd);
Randomly seed the game state to begin
193 this.seedRandomly();
194 }
Helper that maps XY coordinates in the screen to an index in the cells array. There's a slight leak of abstraction here because we have to worry about the 1-dimensional array representation of cells, but this gains us a measurable performance impact.
200 xyToCellIdx(x, y) {
201 return (~~(y / CELL_SIZE) * + ~~(x / CELL_SIZE);
202 }
204 toggleCellStateAt(xCoord, yCoord) {
205 const cellIdx = this.xyToCellIdx(xCoord, yCoord);
(x + 1) % 2
is an easy way to flip between the 0 and 1 states without a conditional
207[cellIdx] = (this._prevGameCells[cellIdx] + 1) % 2;
208 }
210 handleStart(evt) {
211 evt.preventDefault();
212 this._down = true;
When the pointer is down, immediately start painting new cells in, so a "click" will regiter a new live cell.
215 if (evt.touches) {
216 evt = evt.touches[0];
217 }
218 this._prevGameCells =;
219 this.toggleCellStateAt(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
220 this.render();
221 }
223 handleMove(evt) {
224 evt.preventDefault();
225 if (this._down) {
226 if (evt.touches) {
227 evt = evt.touches[0];
228 }
229 this.toggleCellStateAt(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
230 this.render();
231 }
232 }
234 handleEnd(evt) {
235 evt.preventDefault();
236 this._down = false;
237 }
239 seedRandomly() {
241 this.render();
242 }
244 clear() {
246 this.render();
247 }
Main logic for rendering the game's state to the canvas
250 redraw() {
251 const ctx = this.ctx;
252 const {cells, count, xCount} =;
Memoize constants, since it's easy and cheap
255 const HALFCELL = CELL_SIZE / 2;
256 const TAU = Math.PI * 2;
Clear the canvas. We'll re-draw the entire world each time.
259 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
For each cell, if the cell is alive, draw a circle and fill it in.
262 for (let i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
263 if (cells[i] === 1) {
264 const remainder = (i + 1) % xCount;
266 ctx.beginPath();
267 ctx.arc(
268 ((remainder - 1) * CELL_SIZE) + HALFCELL,
269 ((i - remainder + 1) / xCount * CELL_SIZE) + HALFCELL,
271 0,
272 TAU
273 );
274 ctx.fill();
275 }
276 }
277 }
Simulate and render a "tick" in the game. This is the API to progress
the game from components that consume this GameCanvas
281 step() {
283 this.render();
284 }
We override the compose method to also re-draw the frame with each render.
287 compose() {
288 this.redraw();
289 return this.canvas;
290 }
Main app that contains the simulation and a couple of other UI elements.
295class App extends StyledComponent {
297 init() {
By default, a game in "play" ticks forward every 100ms
299 this.INTERVAL = 100;
This is where we store the timer of a game in play, so we can cancel it.
301 this.timer = null;
Make a new game canvas to display game state.
303 this.gameCanvas = new GameCanvas();
304 }
306 start() {
Iff game is not playing, start a new interval timer that steps the game forward each time.
309 if (this.timer === null) {
310 this.timer = setInterval(() => this.gameCanvas.step(), this.INTERVAL);
311 this.render();
312 }
313 }
315 pause() {
To pause, clear the timer and set it back to null, so we can check if we're playing.
318 clearInterval(this.timer);
319 this.timer = null;
320 this.render();
321 }
323 styles() {
324 return css`
325 height: 100vh;
326 width: 100vw;
327 overflow: hidden;
328 menu {
329 position: absolute;
330 background: #fff;
331 box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
332 transform: translateX(-50%);
333 top: 20px;
334 left: 50%;
335 border-radius: 40px;
336 display: flex;
337 margin: 0;
338 padding: 8px;
339 flex-direction: row;
340 button {
341 padding: 0 8px;
342 font-size: 1em;
343 cursor: pointer;
344 height: 36px;
345 line-height: 34px;
346 border-radius: 18px;
347 background: #333;
348 color: #fff;
349 margin-left: 8px;
350 transition: transform .2s;
351 border: 0;
352 &:first-child {
353 margin-left: 0;
354 }
355 &:hover {
356 opacity: .7;
357 transform: translateY(-2px);
358 }
359 }
360 }
361 footer {
362 position: absolute;
363 right: 4px;
364 bottom: 4px;
365 padding: 0 6px;
366 box-sizing: border-box;
367 text-align: right;
368 color: #777;
369 font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
370 font-size: 14px;
371 }
372 a {
373 color: #777;
374 cursor: pointer;
375 &:hover {
376 opacity: .7;
377 }
378 }
379 `;
380 }
382 compose() {
383 return jdom`<main>
384 ${this.gameCanvas.node}
385 <menu>
386 <button onclick="${() => this.gameCanvas.clear()}">Clear</button>
387 <button onclick="${() => this.gameCanvas.seedRandomly()}">Randomize</button>
388 <button onclick="${() => this.gameCanvas.step()}">Step</button>
389 ${this.timer === null ? (
Depending on whether the game is in play or not, display the appropriate button.
392 jdom`<button onclick="${() => this.start()}">Play</button>`
393 ) : (
394 jdom`<button onclick="${() => this.pause()}">Pause</button>`
395 )}
396 </menu>
397 <footer>
398 Conway's Game of Life by
399 <a href="">Linus</a>,
400 built with
401 <a href="">Torus</a>
402 </footer>
403 </main>`;
404 }
Create an instance of the app and mount it to the page DOM.
409const app = new App();
410document.body.appendChild(app.node); = '0'; = '0';